Cara from China
我叫王天澜,来自中国广东。 这是我在蒙洛斯基文法中学学习的第三年,也是最后一年。蒙洛斯基文法中学是一个温暖的大家庭,让我这个远离父母,独自在异国他乡生活的小留学生,并没有感到陌生或者不适应。还记得我刚来的第一年,在我对英文还不是很熟悉的时候,周围的老师和同学们都给予了我很大的帮助,让我在学习上和人际交往中建立了自信。 高中三年有很多精彩的回忆,不仅在学习中不断汲取新的知识,解决一个一个难题,更有与伙伴们参加学校各种社团活动。学校每年的文化周上,我们都会穿着唐装汉服向新西兰的同学和老师们展示中华文化。如今我马上就要毕业了, 虽然我的高中生活即将画上一个圆满的句号,但是我也很期待一段新的旅程。感谢蒙洛斯基文法中学带给我的美好回忆。
My name is Tianlan Wang, I am from Guangdong China. This is my third year learning at MRGS, and also my graduation year. Mt Roskill Grammar School is a warm family. Although I am living in a foreign country, MRGS does not make me feel strange or uncomfortable. I still remember that in the first year when I came here, teachers and friends gave me a lot of help to improve my English, allowing me to build up confidence in my studies and communication. There are many wonderful memories in the three years of Grammar School. Not only about me continually learning new knowledge and solving academic problems one by one, but also about participating in various school club activities with my friends. Every year in the school’s culture week, we will wear Chinese costumes (Hanfu) to present Chinese culture.
Now I am about to graduate, although my high school life is about to come to a successful conclusion, I am also looking forward to a new journey. Thanks for those good memories Mt Roskill Grammar School brought to me.