School Board

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the governance of the School. There are five members elected by the parents, one elected by the staff and one by the students, as well as three co-opted members.

Presiding Member:

Marjet Pot


Tom Webb


Tului Fox

Staff Trustee:

Lorraine Vickery

Student Trustee:

Ansh Trivedi


2024 BOT Meetings

  • Feb:  Monday Feb 19
  • March:  Monday March 25
  • April: Monday April 29
  • May: Monday May 20
  • June: Monday June 24
  • July: Monday July 29
  • Aug: Monday Aug 26
  • Sept: Monday Sept 23
  • Oct: Monday Oct 29
  • Nov: Monday Nov 25

Board Documents

2021 Minutes

Annual Report