The schools overarching values of Manaakitanga, Whanaungatanga, and Tūmanakotanga have a huge emphasis on the teaching and learning of Te Reo Māori.
Te Tari Mātauranga Māori aims to provide a safe, inviting and comfortable learning environment for all students who are open to learning the language. Starting at Junior level Years 9 and 10 and then advancing on to Senior NCEA Levels 1, 2 and 3.
Students will be able to communicate in Te Reo Māori in activities and express their feelings and opinions about a wide range of topics. The course includes the use of the Schools Whare Wānanga, Te Puāwaitanga o Te Mātauranga (The Blossoming of Knowledge), multi media as well as textbooks and course books. Students become confident in all language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. These skills are an asset and build a strong foundation for tertiary and University studies.
We are fortunate to be able to offer our students of Te Reo Māori participation in a large number of culturally enriching outings, competitions and trips to supplement their learning of Te Reo Māori. The Senior Marae Noho, Matariki Campus Concert, Pōwhiri & Language Perfect are only a few. These are extremely important and used to further help and encourage our students in becoming confident and independent in the language through authentic learning experiences.
As well as offering Te Reo Māori we also offer NCEA Māori Performing Arts credits. As members of the Mana Taiohi Kapahaka group students not only learn more indepth about the Māori culture, but gain a better understanding and grow in confidence. Students create strong relationships with their peers of all levels that last their entire school lives and beyond.
HOD Te Reo Māori – Lee-Akinihi Tawhai
Meet the HOD
Meet the HOD
Qualifications: Certificate in Rūmaki Reo, Bachelor of Education Kura Kaupapa Māori, Te Wānanga Takiura o ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori o Aotearoa in conjunction with Auckland University
Experience: I have been teaching at MRGS since 2007, initially as a teacher of Y9-Y13 Te Reo Māori. In 2008 I taught Y9 and Y10 Te Reo Māori and was also the MERGE Māori Campus Co-ordinator. This involved teaching all levels at MRGS as well as teaching Te Reo, Tikanga and Kapahaka at our other campus schools MRPS and MRIS. In 2010 I was appointed HOD Te Reo Māori.
Why I teach my subject: Ko te tamaiti te pūtake o te kaupapa – The child is the heart of the matter
I have a love and passion for Te Reo me ngā Tikanga Māori. I also believe that the youth of today are the young leaders of tomorrow and that I as their teacher have a responsibility to guide and nurture our taiohi so that they can stand tall in todays world. I want all students to reach their fullest potential and having a respect and genuine understanding of the Māori language and customs will help them achieve that. I am elated when I hear my students converse in Te Reo, use kīwaha and whakatauki in all different kinds of situations. I believe it is vital to build strong relationships with not only the students but also their whānau so that I may better understand and find creative ways to get the very best out of my students. I teach my subject because I am proud to be Māori and I am very proud of my heritage language and culture. I teach my subject so that I can empower all students to take that same pride in who they are as individuals and where they come from. To be accepting of all cultures and to know that they are important and valued members of our Puketāpapa Whānau.
Inā kei te mohio koe ko wai koe i anga mai koe i hea, kei te mohio koe kei te anga atu ki hea
If you know who you are and where you are from, then you will know where you are going
Why I teach at MRGS: I have a strong connection to MRGS and as a past pupil and I am very fortunate to be back teaching here. The students here never cease to amaze me and bring new and exciting challenges daily. It is a pleasure to work amongst the supportive staff here who have an incredible drive and are very passionate about their Curriculum areas.
Courses and Pathways
Year 9 & 10 Te Reo Māori
Year 11 Te Reo Māori
Year 12 Te Reo Māori
Year 13 Te Reo Māori
Year 9 & 10 Te Reo Māori
Year 9 & 10 Te Reo Māori
Entry Requirements:
Year 9 Te Reo Māori
18 credits
BYOD Recommendations:
Who is this course for?
This course is designed as an extension from the Year 9 programme but, is open to any student who shows a passion in learning Te Reo Māori at this level. Students will learn a wide range of new structures to indicate tense, build on vocabulary and extend knowledge on Te Ao Māori the Māori world. Learn the importance and take part in important Māori culture aspects, calendar events and celebrations; Powhiri, Kapahaka, Matariki. Te Reo Māori and Tikanga go hand in hand, and the Year 10 course teaches students to understand the importance of both. This course is designed to build the sound foundation required to be successful in Level 1 NCEA and opens up a whole new world of opportunities.
Year 11 Te Reo Māori
Year 11 Te Reo Māori
Entry Requirements:
Year 10 Māori
30 Credits at Level 1
BYOD Recommendations:
Who is this course for?
Students who are genuinely passionate about learning the Māori language, culture and custom. Students who want to learn an official language of Aotearoa as part of their education and skills for both personal enjoyment and future employment opportunities. There is a strong focus on Manaakitanga hospitality/caring for others and Whanaungatanaga, building and strengthening relationships and you will show your understanding of these Tikanga in everyday situations. There is an expectation that students are also a part of kapahaka which will in turn, assist with the practical side of this course.
Achievement Standards:
AS 91085 1.1 Whakarongo kia mohio ki te reo o tōna ao INT
AS 91086 1.2 Kōrero kia whakamahi i te reo o tōna ao INT
AS 91087 1.3 Pānui ki te mōhio ki te reo o tōna ao EXT
AS 91088 1.4 Tuhi i te reo o tōna ao EXT
AS 91089 1.5 Waihanga tuhinga i te reo o tōna ao INT
Year 12 Te Reo Māori
Year 12 Te Reo Māori
Entry Requirements:
Year 11 Te Reo Māori 12 credits at Level 1
24 Credits at Level 2
BYOD Recommendations:
Who is this course for?
Students who demonstrate passion for the Māori Language and want to build on the strong foundation they already have. Students who want to extend their knowledge as part of their education and skills for both personal enjoyment and future employment opportunities. Manaakitanga hospitality/ caring for others and Whanaungatanaga, building and strengthening relationships are intertwined throughout this course and you will show your understanding of these Tikanga in everyday situations. There is an expectation that students are also a part of kapa haka which will in turn, assist with the practical side of this course.
Achievement Standards:
AS 91285 2.2 Korero kia whakamahi i te reo o te ao torotoro INT
AS 91286 2.3 Panui kia mohio ki te reo o te ao torotoro EXT
AS 91287 2.4 Tuhi i te reo o te ao torotoro EXT
AS 91288 2.5 Waihanga tuhinga i te reo o te ao torotoro INT
Year 13 Te Reo Māori
Year 13 Te Reo Māori
Entry Requirements:
Year 12 Te Reo Māori 12 credits at Level 2
24 Credits at Level 3
BYOD Recommendations:
Who is this course for?
Students who are passionate about being immersed in the Māori Language, Culture and Tikanga. Students who demonstrate passion for the Maori Language and want to build on the strong foundation they already have. Students who want to extend their knowledge as part of their education and skills for both personal enjoyment and future employment opportunities. Manaakitanga and Whanaungatanaga are key components of this course and you will show your understanding of these Tikanga in everyday situations. There is an expectation that students are also a part of kapahaka which will in turn, assist with the practical side of this course.
Achievement Standards:
AS 91650 3.1 Whakarongo kia mohio ki te reo Māori o te ao whanui INT
AS 91651 3.2 Korero kia whakamahi i te reo Māori o te ao whanui INT
AS 91652 3.3 Panui kia mohio ki te reo Māori o te ao whanui EXT
AS 91653 3.4 Tuhi i te reo Māori o te ao whanui EXT
AS 91654 3.5 Waihanga tuhinga i te reo Māori o te ao whanui INT
Bianca Bryan
Subject I have taken: I am studying Te Reo Māori.
Why I am studying this subject? I study Māori because I want to ensure that I know a lot about where I am from and the background of my culture. While studying Māori It also improves on my understanding and comprehension of a conversation and how to respond back.
“Ina kei te mohio koe ko wai koe. I anga mai koe i hea, kei te mohio koe, kei te anga atu koe ki hea” If you know who you are and where you are from, then you will know where you are going.
What the subject offers me: With me learning Māori it gives me the opportunity to gain more knowledge about my culture, my whakapapa and who I am. The subject also helps me understand the importance of keeping Te Reo Māori alive.
Why I love this subject: Te Reo Māori makes me want to learn more and more about the history of my grandparents, it gives me a warm and pleasing feeling knowing that I can carry on the understanding of what I’ve learnt to do with my culture to younger generations.